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Catholic Housing Communities provides over 2600 apartment units to families, seniors, veterans, agricultural workers and their families, and people experiencing homelessness throughout Eastern and Central Washington.

Catholic Housing Communities provides over 2,600 apartment units to families, seniors, veterans, agricultural workers and their families, and people experiencing homelessness throughout Eastern and Central Washington.

Learn more about housing options available through Catholic Charities.

Our Residents

Learn more about the support services Catholic Charities provides its residents.

Our Properties

How to Apply

Learn more about moving into Catholic Charities properties.

Catholic Housing Communities ensures that every person has a supportive, inclusive, and sustainable home where they will thrive and live to their highest potential. We affirm the right to housing and dignity of all people through developing and managing affordable, supportive housing communities and work to create sustainable communities through excellence in development, operations, and community partnerships.

By coming together, our footprint of service, especially in rural communities, is set to grow exponentially. Leaning into one another’s strengths and resources, we will be able to provide a greater impact than ever before.

We believe that every human being is made in the image and likeness of God. Every human being has value and deserves the basic human dignity of a meal, a bed, a shower, a toilet.

Rob McCann, President & CEO
Catholic Charities Eastern Washington

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